The Red Desert Complex Wild Horse Roundup – Freedom’s End
October 13, 2020The Devastation of the Red Desert Complex Wild Horse Roundup Continues
October 17, 2020The Red Desert Complex Wild Horse Roundup Continues Despite the Winds

It is another morning a mile from the trap site waiting for the helicopter to chase the wild horses in Stewart Creek Wyoming. Yesterday 84 horses were captured, no injuries or deaths. We hope that continues today. The wind is not bad right now but is forecast to pick up this afternoon.

The two helicopters went out and we saw a big black stallion circle around and go right by us – I stopped breathing as he paused and looked at us, then kept trotting our of sight into Lost Creek. There will be at least another day of freedom for him.

Then several groups came in together, silhouetted by the sun directly in our eyes, the two helicopters worked together and brought them in. At least 40-50 horses. They headed out again as the contractor is loading horses into stock trailers – we were told then they load them into the big semis to take them to temporary holding.

Next three small groups come in and the helicopters head out again. The wind is starting to pick up but it is not nearly as bad as yesterday so far. I saw several stock trailers head toward temporary holding, the babies in the back. We will most likely have a chance today to go see the horses that have been captured today several hours after the helicopters stop.

I watched 3 more groups of wild horses being driven in using two helicopters, but once again a small family of 5 colorful horses ran away right toward us to Lost Creek. I am using an 800mm lens but it is still very far away and hard to see. From what I can tell they have gone through a barbed wire fence, which is being used as one of the boundaries of the lead up to the trap. Even though there are some pink flags, a barbed wire fence should not be the side of what they are driving the horses into – there is too much possibility for an injury to the horses. The stunning big pinto stallion brought up the rear of his little family – he looked at us as they trotted by but was not concerned about us. As they got closer I could see the sweat streaking down their bodies from running. He let them walk at one point until he heard the helicopter and then they started running away. They have a reprieve at least for today.

We were told that was it for the day, and the wind was starting to howl. We are meeting in a couple of hours at temporary holding so we can see the horses that were brought in today.

When we were being taken around temporary holding, we were told that 75 wild horses were captured today, 33 mares, 30 stallions and 12 foals with no injuries or deaths. As I am standing in front of the stallion pens, a gorgeous varnish roan appaloosa stallion meets my gaze, and keeps looking at me for a long few minutes. I wish I could tell him that it will be ok, but it would be a lie, unless he is one of the lucky 150 that will be released back into Stewart Creek after the mares are treated with PZP-22. The remaining majority of the horses are being shipped to the BLM facility in Canon City, Colorado.

I head out to see the remaining wild horses in the other HMAs that have not been rounded up yet, knowing this may be my last chance to see the horses I know and love.
I saw many horses at a distance but was delighted to meet a very colorful family new to me with an amazing Medicine Hat stallion with blue eyes. He seemed very calm and unconcerned despite the wind, and I noticed a beautiful cremello stallion who seems to be either a friend of the family or son a who is still hanging around. There is a gray mare, and pinto yearling and pinto foal. I am very happy to have the chance to spend time with them, but it is bittersweet because if they are removed I will not be able to learn more about their story. After spending some time with them while having trouble holding my camera in the wind, I reluctantly turn to go back as it will soon be dark.

On my way back to town I spot the black stallion who escaped this morning, about 10 miles from the trap. He stands and watches me drive by, still free.

This morning I am sitting in the pull out waiting to see if day 5 of the Red Desert Complex roundup will continue with helicopters flying today – there is a high wind warning which may shut it down today.
Then I hear that they called it off for today – one more day of freedom for the horses. I head back into the HMAs to see the horses, a reprieve for me as well.
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This is what is wrong with our country today. This is a shame and an embarrassment to our country. Make America Great Again? This is doing the opposite! Save our wild horses that stand for freedom! Be humane! They do not deserve this from the greatest country in the world. Once they are gone, we lose them forever. Please come together to reach a resolution. America need the wild horse herds…what will be left of the vast beauty of the wild west…nothing. Please think wisely, otherwise we have nothing.
Carol, these horses look great – no lack of forage, apparently. So exactly what excuse are they using this time? Too many horses for the amount of forage?????? These herds are gorgeous – so many different colors – really beautiful Apps. Heart breaking.
No not too many for the forage even with those ranchers with livestock leases leaving their cattle out for over 6 months this year. The horses are in excellent condition.
Please stop the insane and inhumane rounding up of our wild horses! They belong in the wild and not stockpiled in inadequate holding pens. The pens are not humane or even cost effective.
I live in the UK I think this is terrible These magnificent horses should be allowed to roam Can you tell me what happens those that are caught and exactly how many are liable to be rounded up.
2400 wild horses are scheduled to be rounded up and removed from their homes in the Red Desert Complex in Wyoming, the largest roundup in a decade. They will be shipped to short term fAcilities for processing – shots, coggins test, gelding the stallions, freeze branding, then some few will be adopted, over 5 years old will be shipped to long term corrals or feed lots. Many will end up at slaughter.
Whoa Carol. If wild horses end up at slaughter they will have had to have been adopted and kept with a private individual for at least 1 year at which time the adopter receives title to each adopted horse. Yes – there are ways for adopters to wiggle around this and get horses to sale barns earlier. But the by-large normal is this: The government cannot ship wild horses to slaughter. It is individuals who adopt these horses who, once title is granted a year after adoption, can sell their horse(s) to whoever for whatever purpose. Also- an individual is limited to four wild horses a year for adoption unless individual arrangements are made such as someone willing to take orphan colts; someone who has a ranch and can show they can support more than four horses. Several other reasons. And when an individual is given permission for more than 4 horses that person gets visits from the BLM to make sure the animals are cared for. I am not making an excuse for or supporting government ‘management’ of our wild horses – far, far from it. It is, however, important to be educated on federal rules and regs regarding our wild horses and burros in order to take a stance on the issues. As always – incredible photos and plz keep us updated on the Red Desert herd. ~Valerie~
My understanding of the new “incentive” plan is that the adopter gets $500 after only 2 months so that they could take the horses to auction at that point. From the BLM website: “The Adoption Incentive Program allows qualified adopters to receive up to $1,000 when adopting an eligible wild horse or burro on or after March 12, 2019. Under this program, adopters are eligible to receive:
$500 within 60 days of adoption of an untrained wild horse and burro
$500 within 60 days of titling the animal.”
Sale Authority horses, over 10, can be purchased by the truckload, there is no cap of 4 per year for these horses. None of the people I know who have adopted wild horses, including myself, have ever had a BLM visitation or inspection.
Dear Carol, this is all so sad. I admire you for being able to endure it and to take pictures. My heart would burst into peaces. Your pictures are a legacy and a reminder of our human failures.
[…] by Carol Walker as published on Wild Hoofbeats […]
What can be done to stop this?? These horses are a national treasure and are what is left of the old West. Have you contacted an attorney or the Whiite House? How about the Indian nation —will they back and give support?? I knew. Velma Johnson— Wild Horse Annie — who saved the Mustangs in Navafa . It can be done!!
So sorry this is happening. Cruelty to animals allowed to happen like this. Thank you for spreading news of what’s being done.
I live in Johannesburg South Africa and I’m really battling with all of this, I can’t sleep thinking of these beautiful horses, as I am writing this the tears are flowing. I find it very difficult to believe that people could hate those beautiful souls to the extent that they do. We not used to this sort of thing. I don’t know what else to say ????????????
It’s very hard to see this happening, this pictures are so beautiful, but heartbreaking! There’s no one to turn to, not even the White House, with a crazy man for President! I’ve looked at the pictures with tears in my eyes and the feeling of frustration in my heart! This is just plain WRONG!!! How can this be happening in a country that is supposed to be “Free”!!!