Action Alert: Save America’s Wild Horses From Massive Roundups and Cruel Sterilization Experiments
April 9, 2021Stop the Despicable Roundup and Sterilization Plan for Wyoming’s Five Largest Wild Horse Herds
April 19, 2021Wild Horse and Burro Coalition Letter to Secretary of the Interior Haaland
American Wild Horse and Burro Coalition Calls on President Biden’s Interior Dept. to Eliminate Livestock Grazing and Prioritize Wild Horse Protection and Preservation
More than 70 organizations and 60 Individuals Join Effort in Letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland

Washington, D.C. – This week a coalition of more than seventy equine protection, animal welfare, and environmental groups, as well as numerous wild-horse and ecotourism businesses called on newly confirmed U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, to halt livestock grazing and revoke grazing permits on the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Herd Management Area (HMA) lands in an open letter to the Secretary.
In 2018, Haaland was elected as one of the two first female Native Americans in Congress, and recently served as the Vice-Chair of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources, and Chair of the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands where she frequently sided with wild horse protection advocates over Big Ag, Big Oil, and Big Animal groups who’ve sought to round-up and eradicate wild horse and burro populations on federal lands with a maniacal scheme known as the “Path Forward.” Haaland’s confirmation to lead the Interior Department was considered a tremendous victory for wild horse, animal protection, wildlife, and environmental advocates, and Indigenous leaders who campaigned to elevate one of their own to the powerful federal seat that oversees natural resources, public lands, Indian affairs, and the BLM.
The coalition letter dated April 9, 2021 went further to advocate for:
• Management of horses on all BLM HMAs to retain horse population sizes that will maintain TNEB [(Thriving Natural Ecological Balance )(where TNEB already exists)] or promote rapid progress toward TNEB (where TNEB does not currently exist). Management should prioritize keeping horses on designated HMA lands, within ecological parameters that maintain or promote continued progress toward TNEB.
• Immediate commencement of a NEPA-conforming BLM Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendment processes for all BLM Districts that have contained (both historically and currently) legally-demarcated horse-related BLM HMAs (pursuant to the 1971 Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act) to bring about the TNEB-associated outcomes articulated above.
• Preparation of a robust, broad-based scientific assessment of the baseline ecological conditions that have been adversely impacted by livestock grazing (and associated infrastructure) to serve as the basis for determination of sustainable wild horse numbers and use, and for determining HMA restoration/recovery/sustainability actions.
The full letter to Haaland can be found here signed by the following organizations:
Western Watersheds Project, Wildlands Defense, WildEarth Guardians, The Cloud Foundation,Wasteful Unreasonable Use, Coloradans Against Horse Slaughter, The Daily Pitchfork, Living Images by Carol Walker, Friends of Animals, Wild Horse Education, In Defense of Animals, Kimerlee Curyl Fine Art, Animal Wellness Action, Animal Wellness Foundation, American Horse Protection Society, Center for a Humane Economy, Sequoia ForestKeeper, High Noon Horse Farm, Central Oregon Wild Horse Coalition, Fleet of Angels, Wyoming Untrapped, Mary Hone Fine Art, Yellowstone to Uintas Connection, Horses for Life Foundation, League of Humane Voters, Equine Rescue and Adoption Foundation, Western Wildlife Conservancy, Safe Haven Equine Warriors, Sand Wash Advocate Team, Equine Collaborative International, Running Horses Studio, Colorado Wolf Alliance, Rob Lee Photography, Stop Wild Horse Roundups Coalition, Water for Western Wildlife ENI, World Park Educational Institute, Western Montana Equine Rescue, Wyoming Mustang Institute, Sandy Sharkey Photography, Al Hone Fine Art, Skydog Sanctuary, WindDancer Foundation, Predator Defense, Citizens for a Humane Los Angeles, Grazing Reform Project, The Two Suite Ltd., Love Wild Horses, American Equine Awareness, Friends of Animals, Native American Church of the Ghostdancers, Wild Equid League of Colorado, Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Conservation Congress, Lynne Pomeranz Photographer, Wild Horse Tourist, Wild Horse Photography Collective, Chief’s Old Friend Inc., Wager Counseling, Habitat for Horses, Horses Happily Ever After, Equine Advocates, John Muir Project, Animals’Angels, Carter Reservoir Mustangs, Northern Colorado Wild Horse & Burro Partners, Devils Garden Wild Horse Emergency Rescue, Larimer Co. Horsemens’Assoc./BCHA, Wild Mustang Community, Serengeti Foundation, Adobe Mtn. Equine, Friends of the Bitterroot, and the Gila Herd Foundation of Arizona.
Stop these horrific roundups by BLM…
..they are cruel and inhumane! These horses and burros are icons of he west and belong free! It’s all about greed between BLM and the cattlemen and it is wrong!!!!
Leave the horses alone! They are part of our history and don’t bother anybody… They are wild, they are not starving, they are resourceful and have managed for years so quit acting like they are costing anybody…
I, along with many others, added my name to this letter. It certainly makes clear how people – the people who “own” our public lands and our wild horses feel.
Thanks to you, Carol, for all you do.
We need to tell these horrible people to leave our wild horses alone. They need to be protected not rounded up like evil things.
I love the wild horses and want to someday see some that are free and not fenced in. BLM had no plans in place for them and so many get hurt or killed during these stressful so called round ups. Especially the foals who cannot understand what is happening and who sometimes die from running to hard. Please we need these to stop and start to protect and find other ways of control.
Where is the data to support the AML of 26,770 the government determined to be the optimum number of wild horses the federal lands could support? National Mustang Association Inc., Colorado fully supports the letter to Secretary Harland, but maintains that a full range analysis needs to be done to establish a new, realistic AML that actually balances private livestock grazing of the few with the public interest and government mandate to protect wild horses.
The thought of these wild horses being rounded up is devastating. Horses are family oriented. They protct their herds and are self sufficient. American people don’t have to pay to feed these horses. They can find a water hole miles away when water holes near them are dry. They are intelligent beings and it’s cruel to separate them, use painful concentration methods or worst off all kill them. There are thousands of acres foe the horses to run and be free. Stop the helicopter roundups. Keep our wild horses wild and free. I stan with the wild horses!!
Please take your time to read and understand so many Americans feelings about our free horses. The term ” wild ” is wrong. They are living on lands that are theirs. Please stop the roundups and slaughter of these magnificient animals. They are our birthright as Americans. They represent our past, our present and our future. Stop the misuse of these icons of our history. Make it a good history for them and for us. Stop the greedy ranchers and the others that would eliminate the horses from the land that was set up for them to live their lives on in peace and happiness with their families. Please take immediate action to save them for us ! We feel it is a right and just thing to do for them and for our country. Thank you.
Please leave our wildhorses alone STOP THESE cruel BLM ROUNDUPS AND REMOVAL. Leave the horse wild and free