Cana Foundation Saves Two Wild Horses From Salt Wells Creek After the Checkerboard Roundup
March 14, 2018The Lives of More Than 45,000 Wild Horses Are Still at Risk as Congress Waits for the Bureau of Land Management’s Plan
March 30, 2018Last Chance to Call Congress to Save Our Wild Horse and Burros on Take Action Tuesday

Wild Horses Rounded up in October Who Are Among the 45,000 at Risk of Being Killed or Sent to Slaughter
Congress is set to vote this week on the Spending Bill for 2018. The House’s version calls for killing 45,000 wild horses and burros in holding facilities and an additional 45,000 wild horses and burros deemed “excess” that are still free on our public lands. The Senate version protects our wild horses and burros. We need to call our representatives before the final vote at the end of this week. Please join us on Take Action Tuesday.
- Call the House and Senate leadership:“I’m calling to urge Senator/Representative _____ to keep horse slaughter out of 2018 spending legislation by maintaining the Senate versions of Agriculture and Interior Appropriations bills. Please stand with the 80% of Americans who oppose horse slaughter and want our wild horses and burros protected and humanely managed, not killed or slaughtered.”
- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: (202) 224-2541
- Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: (202) 224-6542
- House Speaker Paul Ryan: (202) 225-3031
- House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy: (202) 225-2915
- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi: (202) 225-4965
- Contact Your Senators:https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/Contact Your Representatives:
Tell them you stand with the 80% of Americans who oppose killing wild horses and burros, and want them protected and humanely managed on our public lands.

Wild Horses in Captivity Need Your Help Now
I stand with the 80% of Americans who oppose killing wild horses and burros, and want them protected and humanely managed on our public lands.
Please save our beautiful wild horses!! They make our public lands wild. Not for overcrowded holding pens. The public should have a say .
Stop this slaughter
Their are issues in this fucked up world we live in, that needs more attention and away from the wild horses and stop running down with those fucking helicopters with the sick sadistic sob’s flying em do you all not see the wrong in all of this the cruelty the inhumane treatment that all the mares, foals, and stallions and colts , fillys have to endure is absolutely horrifying and horrendous and so unnecessary the horses have been there before us and will be here long after we are gone, LEAVE THE HORSES ALONE DAMMIT!!!!!!! I would like a reply is to WHY you feel you need to do so!!!
These animals are our ‘history’. They did not choose to be ‘born this way’, they are dependent on us because we put them here over hundred years ago. In a time were ‘$ at all cost’ is the only gain, wouldn’t it be a sadder place where wild horses no longer roamed??
Our American West was won on their backs…
It’s unimaginable that the very creatures (vehicle) that facilitated the settling of this country is set to be cruelly abandoned. They should be considered historical landmarks; revered and protected. I’m not even a “horse” person; but I do appreciate our American heritage and history. Collective voices have continuously spoken against plans to “cull” the herds. Where are the leaders we elected to carry the voice “of the people, by the people and for the people”?
Please stop this shameful plan.
I stand with the 80% of Americans who oppose the killing of wild horses and burros. I want them to be protected and to roam free. Please don’t round them up and kill them.
Shameful Yankee country, calling themself America. You have been survived and occupied the whole continent thanks to billions of turkey, bison and Native Americans. All of them you have been almost completely exterminated. Now you going to do the same to mustangs, taken a place of all animals, you killed from Atlantic to Pacific. Mustangs are the last symbol of freedom you proudly like to pronounce, and also main animal helped us to survive. It is time to think about who is decent the slaughter the top: the feral horses or people, creating one problem after another? I saying nothing about African-American, Vietnam War and many-many etc. It is just addition to think about… I am of course with 80% of US people having 0% in Government, but 100% of power to decide the sharp questions, when Government become helpless.
I stand for our horses and 80% of Americans that oppose horse slaughter.
Stop BLM… end round ups, sale of horses to foreign countries for slaughter and save the lives of all horses.
No horse slaughter.
Leave these horses alone!!! They are not doing anything wrong
I stand for our horses and 80% of Americans that oppose horse slaughter.
Stop BLM… end round ups, sale of horses to foreign countries for slaughter and save the lives of all horses.
No horse slaughter. If you ever owned a horse you would understand why I feel the way I do about the the majestic animal who is part of our history.
It’s so unbelievable that a part of our history means nothing more than money! Shame on the all who are responsible for the killing of these innocent horses. Someday your great grand children will reap the end results of your destructive ways.
Save our horses,they belong here.
Best way to make your feelings heard is to call your Senators and Representatives, today.
The wild horses and burros serve as a vital component of ecological balance, when if allowed would revitalize this nations rangelands. Due to their free roaming habits, physiological makeup, and social behavior, not to mention self limiting aspects of their reproductive habits, wild horses serve as a perfect compliment to all coexisting ruminants as well as vegetation. Other natural mechanisms serve to keep them in perfect balance, unmanaged by mankinds artificial methods. These vital scientific truths serve to reinforce the fact that wild horses and burros need to be left free and untouched in the wild as well as the fact that all of those in holding facilities need to be released back to the ares where they were found. In this way wild equine present no financial burden to the tax payer, costing virtually nothing to allow them to exist in the wild. This makes the said, proposed killing ,of those roughly 45,000 wild horses in holding facilities unnecessary and not required, as well as those in the wild now far less than what the BLM established to be inhabiting our rangelands, indeed which are close to extinction. Therefore I oppose and spending bill that would allow the extermination of those wild horses in holding facilities as well as any in the wild.
Robert C. Bauer
I am young and grew up loving horses and always wished to have one of my own I was about 4 when I fell in love with the movie Flicka and have always thought that our wild horses should stay wild. Wild horses were once the heart and soul of America and I don’t know what I would do if one day my grandchildren or great grandchildren would never here of mustangs or burros. So I stand for the safety of our wild horses because with out them I feel like no little girl would ever dream big dreams
Round up the illegals in this country and leave the horses alone !
I stand with the 100% of all these indignants replies opposing killing wild horses into America west countries.
A lot of views and videos on websites showing injured, terrorized, or insecured, helpless captured horses are horrible and make me revolted!
Please, we have to respect these animals dignity and nobleness!