Wild Horses: Wild Horse Festival in Santa Fe, NM May 19, 20
May 7, 2012
Wild Horses: Visiting the Sand Wash Basin Herd
May 17, 2012
On April 29, Mica and I went to a Trail Obstacle Clinic at Jody Marken and Marty Marten’s beautiful place in Berthoud Colorado. Last year, Rich Scott had done a demo with Mica as a yearling going through the obstacles for the first time, but this time I was handling Mica by myself. Beth Beymer was the guest trainer for the clinic, and there was a nice group of people there with their horses, including Cathy Bryerly with her mustang that she had adopted the same time I adopted Mica from Canon City. Jody took some wonderful photos that I will include as did my friend Susan Kniebes who bravely grabbed and used my big heavy camera. I am more used to being behind the camera, so it was a treat to have 2 friends take photos of Mica and I.
Once we began, we had free rein to go to whatever obstacles we pleased, take as long as we wanted, with plenty of help available from Beth, Marty and Jody as needed. It was a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, the ideal way to introduce a young horse to new things.
The curtain is an interesting obstacle, but I led Mica up to it and just waited for him to move in his own time. He peeked though, then moved through quietly.
There was a big ball that the horses could push with their feet, but Mica enjoyed pushing it with his nose – which did not surprise me as he put his nose and lips on every obstacle before going through or over it.
After the first curtain, this one is easy – he walks right through.
My favorite obstacle was a big tractor tire, securely anchored into the ground. Once Mica got his front feet up, it was only natural to get all 4 up there, and I think he liked the view!
All day I was very pleased with his willingness to try anything, and we became more and more confident working together. That is what the clinic was all about.
Once I brought Mica back home, he ran to reunite with his two buddies Claro and Cremosso. Once he makes it over to them, I think he had to tell them all about the day with all the horses and people and funny things to play with.
Thanks for sharing the photos, Carol. Loved seeing Mica and his curious personality. He’s really growing into a beautiful boy!
Fun pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Carol, Mica is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! for the rescue that you did!!!!!!!
Makes me think I should set up some obstacles for my 2 horses (one of which is a mustang), just for some fun! Such wonderful pictures.
so darn sweet~ the things horses put up with for their humans.