Wild Horses: Join the “Stop the Stampedes” Campaign
August 23, 2012
Wild Horses: The BLM Must Not Be Allowed to Destroy Wild Herds for Eco-Sanctuary
September 12, 2012Last week, Mica and the Cremello colts got to welcome a new member of their family to my place. I knew that Mica would be excited about the newcomer because that’s the kind of horse he is: very curious, wanting to be involved in whatever is going on. I was not sure what the other two boys would think, however!
Diamonte, Monty for short, is the son of the Andalusian stallion I used to own named Cicerone, and Monty grew up in a band of Quarter Horse broodmares on a beautiful ranch, Double Diamond Ranch in Nebraska. Scott Werhmann and his assistant Kari have been working with him for the last year and getting him started under saddle, and it was finally time for him to come to his new home with me in Colorado.
We put him in the corral to get settled, and Mica and Claro and Cremosso all touched him over the fence. Mica was especially curious. When the mustangs started down the hill and out of sight for the evening to their spot they sleep, Monty became agitated and started running around the corral, crying for them. So I decided to put Mica in with him so he would not be all alone. They sniffed and ran a little, then settled down to eat together as if they were old friends.
The next morning Scott and Kari came back to help me with my first ride on Monty. He and Mica looked happy together, and Monty looked very calm fro a 3 year old who was in a completely new place. Scott had him move around the corral, and Mica happily went along with him, and seemed fascinated by the saddle he was wearing.
Finally we put Mica in the small pen while Carrie got on first and moved Monty around at a walk, then I got on and rode him, walking, turning, doing one rein stops and halting. He and I were concentrating hard trying to figure each other out, and Mica watched carefully.
After my first ride, we turned Monty loose with Mica in the corral. Claro and Cremosso kept their distances.
The next morning when Claro and Cremosso came down to get water and hay, I opened the corral gate. They went into the corral with Mica and Monty, and Cremosso immediately went to bite Monty, then Claro charged him with his mouth open and Monty ran to get out of the way. As they tore around the arena and I jumped to get out of the way, I became very concerned, until I saw that Monty, who is taller and leggier than the mustangs, could really run! He took off and they had no chance of keeping up.
Growing up in a herd of broodmares has really taught Monty how to relate socially to other horses, so he followed the three at a safe distance, which is getting smaller each day. Claro has to show him who is boss, and Mica will eat next to him occasionally. I am sure that as time goes on the two of them will become good friends.
So very enjoyable to read along with photos. They are beautiful! Thank you!
Beautiful horses.
Interesting story with beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful. I love reading about the adventures of your boys!
I want to rescue wild horses taken off their range someday too.
Beautiful, really ejoyed the pictures to go along with the narrative.
Loved it, beautiful