Wild Horses: Please Comment on BLM’s Disastrous Plans to Study and Spay White Mountain Mares
January 8, 2016
Wild Horses: Tell BLM to STOP Dangerous and Cruel Experiments on Our Wild Horses
January 31, 2016Today is the last day to comment on the BLM’s disastrous plan to sterilize wild mares in the White Mountain Herd Management Area in Wyoming. Despite the herd numbering only 268 wild horses, which is within the AML of 209- 300 wild horses in the area, the BLM plans to team up with USGS and conduct a study, first rounding up the herd using helicopters, removing horses until there are 209 left, and putting radio collars on the mares and tail tags on the stallions to study behavior for 1 year. They plan to put radio collars on the mares, and the last time the BLM did this in 1991 many horses died. This is just not safe. Then they plan to round them up again using helicopters, and then spaying 30-50 wild mares in the field, which is an incredibly dangerous procedure, certainly fatal to many of the mares. The sterilization of this and other herds targeted for research by the BLM and USGS spells the beginning of the end of wild horses on our public lands.
Please comment today by 4pm Mountain Time. Your own words will be the most powerful and effective for having an impact on the BLM and their plans.
You can read more here in my blog:
You can use the Cloud Foundation’s excellent talking points here:
Or if you have just enough time to write a few sentences, please be sure to cover the following points:
1. Do not round up and remove horses from White Mountain Herd Management Area. The horses are within AML. If you must round them up, use bait trapping at known water sources not a helicopter roundup.
2. Do not put radio collars on the mares and tail tags on the stallions. This is unsafe and potentially fatal for the horses. Use observation of people in the field, interns or staff, to obtain information. The horses are easily identifiable and most are easy to approach – this invasive and dangerous method is not necessary.
3. Do not spay wild mares. This is cruel, inhumane, potentially fatal for many of the mares. It is completely unnecessary. If you must use birth control on this herd, use the proven, safe, humane and reversible native PZP or PZP-22 that can be given using bait trapping and/or field darting.
Send your comments to:
Put “White Mountain and Little Colorado EA” in the subject line of your email.
These need to be in by 4 pm Mountain Time on today, Thursday the 14th of January. Please pass this along.
THE BLM is the worst regarding our Wild Mustangs. IT IS TIME to stop them in their tracks of destruction, slaughter and sterilizations. PRIVATE CITIZENS , STAND UP and STOP THE INSANITY OF THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGMENT.
Honestly !! Can’t”our” government not be stopped ? There is absolutely I REPEAT Absolutely NO REASON to do this !! These are Wild Animals on Public Land ( I’m part of the public ) I say stay AWAY FROM THEM ! STOP !!You have NO RIGJT to use your “out reach or Over reach ” on these American Icons !!! You wouldn’t want the public rounding you up with a helicopter and sterilizing or tagging your tail! Stop and desist now !!!!!
The BLM must be stopped. Our wild horses need to be left alone. They are not overpopulated,they are not meant for consumtion,they should not be chased down by helicopters.They are and should remain Protected!
If we (wild horses advocates) dont stick together – it makes stopping the BLM & ranchers that much harder. I’m getting emails from one organization that seems to be pulling away from the rest – which is worrisome. I’m sure it makes the BLM happy!
Cruel,leave them alone. This upsets balance of nature.
[…] https://www.wildhoofbeats.com/news/wild-horses-action-alert-speak-out-to-stop-blms-plan-to-spay-wild-… […]
[…] https://www.wildhoofbeats.com/news/wild-horses-action-alert-speak-out-to-stop-blms-plan-to-spay-wild-… […]
I dont understand why our government wants wild horses dead. They are our heritage our history. Let them run free. We may even need horses again to plow our fields and as transportation. If we keep killing the Earth we will need to go back and start over again. Dont kill anymore animals in the US