Wild Horses – Photographing the Wyoming Checkerboard Horses at Canon City
November 13, 2014
Wild Horses: Wyoming’s Governor Seeks Complete Annihilation of His State’s Wild Horses
December 9, 2014Wild Horses: Carol Walker and Ginger Kathrens on Wild Horse and Burro Radio Tomight
Carol Walker & Ginger Kathrens on Wild Horse & Burro Radio (Wed., Nov. 19)
WEDNESDAY, Nov. 19, 2014
6:00 pm PST … 7:00 pm MST … 8:00 pm CST … 9:00 pm EST
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Call in # 917-388-4520
This will be a 1 hour show. Please call in with questions any time during the show.
The shows will be archived, so you can listen anytime.
Tonight’s guests are Carol Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation and Ginger Kathrens, the Founder and Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation.
Both fought to keep wild horses on federally protected Herd Management Areas in Wyoming, and both witnessed the roundups of these wild horses. And both are among those posting photos of the wild horses that were captured in Wyoming, so that these horses can be adopted rather than end up going to slaughter in the future.
Here is a link to information on the horses that were rounded up the last two months in the Wyoming Checkerboard Area that are at Canon City in Colorado and available for adoption:
This radio show is hosted by Debbie Coffey, Vice-President & Director of Wild Horse Affairs at Wild Horse Freedom Federation.
To contact us: ppj1@hush.com, or call 320-281-0585