Wild Horses: Checkerboard Roundup Hearing on Monday in Laramie, WY
February 28, 2015
Wild Horses: Finding the Adobe Town Family Members at the Rock Springs Corrals
March 5, 2015Wild Horses: Federal Court Rules BLM Violated Law in Checkerboard Roundup
Federal Court Rules BLM Violated Law in Wyoming Wild Horse RoundupLaramie, Wyoming — March 4, 2015 — Today U.S. District Court of Wyoming Chief Judge Nancy D. Freudenthal issued an order stating that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) when it conducted a massive “Checkerboard Roundup” last fall, during which 1,263 wild horses were permanently removed from their homes on the range in southwestern Wyoming. The Court remanded the NEPA violation back to the BLM to “remedy the deficiencies” while at the same time denied Plaintiffs’ claims that the BLM, in the Wyoming roundup, violated the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA).In this case, the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign (AWHPC), The Cloud Foundation, Return to Freedom and photographers Carol Walker and Kimerlee Curyl contended that the BLM violated federal law by proceeding with the roundup in the absence of any environmental analysis and public participation, and by reducing the populations in the Adobe Town, Salt Wells and Divide Basin Herd Management Areas below established “Appropriate” Management Levels.The massive roundup removed all of the wild horses from the private and public Checkerboard lands within the Adobe Town, Salt Wells Creek, and Great Divide Basin HMAs. BLM authorized this drastic management action without analyzing any of the environmental consequences of a wild horse roundup of this magnitude, or reasonable alternatives to this action, as required by NEPA.“We are disappointed that the court upheld BLM’s countertextural interpretation of the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act which allows the agency to disregard its own established wild horse minimum population levels,” said William Eubanks of the public interest environmental law firm Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal. “However, the court vindicated our concerns with BLM’s complete failure to analyze the impacts of this action on wild horses and the natural environment, as well as the agency’s failure to engage the public before pressing forward with this ill-advised decision.”The ruling is the latest in the ongoing legal battle about the future of wild horses in the Wyoming Checkerboard, a more than 2 million acre swath of public and private land where more than half of the state’s remaining wild horse herds reside. In 2013, the BLM entered into a consent decree with the Rock Springs Grazing Association agreeing to remove all the wild horses from RSGA’s private lands on the Checkerboard and to consider, through the appropriate public process, zeroing out the wild horse populations in this area. These actions will essentially turn the public lands over to ranchers who graze livestock on these lands at taxpayer-subsidized rates.
The plaintiffs are represented by William Eubanks, partner at the Washington, DC-based public interest law firm of Meyer, Glitzenstein & Crystal. The State of Wyoming and the Rock Springs Grazing Association have been granted intervenor status in the case.For more information on the lawsuit, click here.The American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign (AWHPC) is a coalition of more than 60 horse advocacy, public interest, and conservation organizations dedicated to preserving the American wild horse in viable, free-roaming herds for generations to come, as part of our national heritage.
The Cloud Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of wild horses and burros on our Western public lands with a focus on protecting Cloud’s herd in the Pryor Mountains of Montana. Cloud is the subject of Foundation founder Ginger Kathrens’ groundbreaking PBS/Nature documentaries.
Return to Freedom (RTF) is a national non-profit dedicated to wild horse preservation through sanctuary, education and conservation, and also operates the American Wild Horse Sanctuary in Lompoc, CA. It is also AWHPC’s founding organization.
Carol Walker and Kimerlee Curyl are renowned wild horse photographers who regularly photograph the wild horses of the Adobe Town, Great Divide Basin and Salt Wells Creek HMAs. Walker is also a board member for the Wild Horse Freedom Federation.
Really excellent detailed account about the Oral Arguement Hearing and Ruling in the Wyoming Checkerboard Case by AWHPC: http://www.wildhorsepreservation.org/media/update-wyoming-checkerboard-lawsuit-hearing-ruling
Glad to see at least there was some justice here for the wild horses. Such an outrage on the part of RSGA and Wyoming BLM!
its just now the 4rth..how did this ruling go? is it ongoing? is it ENFORCED? because there is another one in WY in a thread below this i found..red .something..
[…] SOURCE: wildhoofbeats.com […]
Wow! That was fast! You don’t suppose Judge Fruedenthal had her mind made up going in, do you?
So what does this really mean? The horses wont’t be returned, will they. Is this a precident that can prevent this from happening again. Seems like good news is always a day late where our horses are concerned.
BLM only got a slap on the wrist. Our wild horses on our public lands lost again.
I love what U r trying to do for the wild horses. That’s entitled to be living wild on the grass area for them to run wild. I just don’t understand why those people would take it away from horses,wasn’t it given to them to live on? I personally love any kind of horses. Please keep me posted on what going on with them,because I care about them. I don’t get on Facebook much anymore. I’ll start praying to our God to help me out& the wildhorses also.
[…] https://www.wildhoofbeats.com/news/wild-horses-federal-court-rules-blm-violated-law-in-checkerboard-r… […]
WHY did you remove MY 3 replies to this post, without any answers? I was commenting on the court rulings and posed several questions that I found difficult to understand,from the wording. and even asked that you forward them to the attorneys for a legal explanation IF no one else knew how to answer? 🙁 I was just re-reading some articles I’d saved, and realized that my comments (on the day of posting) had said “awaiting moderation ” but I did not receive a response…so rechecked today and found that all 3 had been completely deleted? (there wasn’t any inappropriate wording, other than reiterating my displeasure with BLM and court proceedings[or Non-action] just as everyone else was saying?
Sorry Connie – I did not remove them I am just slow to approve.