Wild Horses: Urgent – Comments Needed Today, 9-26-11, for NAS Study
September 26, 2011
Wild Horses: Federal Court Grants Wild Horse Groups Request to Intervene in Grazing Association Lawsuit
November 2, 2011Wild Horses: Please Sign Petition to Protect Wild Horses and Burros
Please Sign White House Petition to Protect Wild Horses and Burros
The White House Launches Online Petition Website to Hear What’s Important to Americans

AWHPC has written a petition urging the President to reform the wasteful and inhumane BLM Wild Horse and Burro program. Once the petition is signed by 150 people, it will be searchable on WhiteHouse.gov.
we wanted to let you know that the WhiteHouse.gov website cut off the full petition text (even though the petition was within the website’s maximum allowed limit of 800 characters). The full text of the petition is as follows:
We urge President Obama to stop wild horse roundups. At minimum, removals must be in line with adoption demand. Implement on-the-range management utilizing safe fertility control.
Wild horses and burros are supposed to be protected as part of our national heritage, yet the Interior Department rounds them up from public lands to make room for taxpayer-subsidized, commercial livestock grazing. For the first time in history, more wild horses are now warehoused in holding facilities (>43,000) than are free on the range (<33,000). The program is fiscally unsustainable and inhumane.
The Interior Department plans to reduce herds to levels that existed in 1971 when Congress deemed they were “fast disappearing.” It’s time to change course for the sake of American taxpayers and our wild horses.
Please take a minute to log in with WhiteHouse.gov and add your name to the petition, then share it on Facebook. If we can generate at least 5,000 signatures by October 28 the White House staff will review our concerns and issue a formal response. You need to create an account or login to an existing account to sign the petition.
” Wild Horses gave their lives and man took theirs away!”
By Tina Wooten …A Wild Horse Soldier
STOP let that woman have the horses that has the land if it were 10,000 dogs everyone would be in jail!!!! STOP THIS SENSELESS ACT AND LET THEM LIVE A GOOD LIFE!!!!!!
I tried looking up the petition but couldn’t find it…
Please Mr. president.
I am begging you to put a stop to the cruel and inhumane ethics being used on our wild horses and burros. I have seen what they do in the sterilization process using savage instuments cutting and experimenting these animals without pain medication or atibiotics. Therefore leaving and dumping them in the dessert to die of infection and suffer great pain. It is a unconventional treament for something so innocent and free and Protected. I’m sure your daughters would look up to you as someone who is kind and good and a Geat Man!
unable to see the petition on web site please help
The BLM does not have the best interest of these horses and Burros at hand. If we continue down this path innocent lives will be taken many of them suffering great pain while being butchered while experiments are conducted on them. We are better than that. The PEOPLE want these Majestic animals to be free to live their live in the wild just like the other wild life who live their FREE. I had my horse stolen in 1993. He was slaughtered ,we found out later, and sold for horse meat in Europe. I can’ even begin to know the terror he went through. The guilt I have because he didn’t know I tried to find him but it was to late! Please protect these horses from acts of cruelty. The BLM has has the drug PZP that has been proven to work but they refuse to use it. Instead they want to kill more of these animals in barbaric and painful experiments with no antibiotics supervision or follow up care. How many will die from infection alone in the desert.
It is just wrong to kill these beautiful horses!