Wild Horses: Federal Judge Orders BLM to Answer Questions on Roundup of Famed Oregan Mustangs
November 23, 2011
Wild Horses: Speak Up to Save Cloud’s Herd from Removals
December 30, 2011This week marks the 40th anniversary of the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act, the act that was supposed to provide protection for our wild horses and burros, and yet its protections continue to be eroded. Our wild horses and burros are under siege today, and those who care about them and fight to protect them are all that stand between them and their eventual extinction.
Here are two excellent articles by two distinguished journalists, George Knapp who has been a friend and ardent advocate for wild horses in Nevada, and Andrew Cohen for the Atlantic, who has done a series of articles this year about the threat to Wyoming’s wild horses.
George Knapp writes about “The Shame of the BLM:”
Andrew Cohen asks “Think Our Wild Horses Are Safe?”
My gratitude to both of them for bringing public attention to wild horse issues so eloquently.