June 12, 2018

Visiting the Checkerboard Mares and Foals at BLM’s Bleak Private Feedlot in Bruneau, Idaho

Is This the End of the Line for These Formerly Free Wild Mares from Wyoming?                                                                                                     by Carol J. Walker Last week I was finally allowed to […]
January 11, 2018

The Bureau of Land Management Blocks Public Observation and Adoption of Wild Horses Rounded Up in Wyoming’s Checkerboard

The Forgotten Horses – at least that is what the BLM wants them to be.                  1/10/2018 by Carol J. Walker, Director Of Field Documentation, Wild Horse […]
January 23, 2017

Wild Horses: Please Comment on BLM’s Plan to Reduce North Lander Complex in Wyoming Herds to Dangerously Low Numbers

Wild Horses in the North Lander Complex Herds in Danger of Extinction The Bureau of Land Management’s Lander, Wyoming Field Office has released a Scoping Document […]