September 6, 2016

Please Comment on the BLM’s Upcoming Checkerboard II Wild Horse Wipeout Plan

Update: Carol Walker will be talking about both Checkerboard Roundups tonight, Wednesday, September 7 on Wild Horse and Burro Radio, information here: If you miss […]
June 16, 2016

Wild Horse Alert: Wild Horses and Burros in Danger from “Stewart Amendment”

Wild Horse Alert Yesterday the House Appropriations Committee adopted the “Stewart Amendment” to the 2017 Interior Appropriations Bill. This language could very likely provide a convenient […]
April 18, 2016

Wild Horses: Stop the BLM’s Illegal Plans for the Checkerboard Roundup II – Comment by Friday April 22

    Stop BLM’s Illegal Plans for the Checkerboard Roundup II in Wyoming Less than 2 years ago, the Bureau of Land Management illegally rounded up […]