Action Alert! Keep the McCullough Peaks Herd Intact: Comment Now
July 23, 2023
Ep #14: Wild Horse Roundups: The Abuse Must End
August 14, 2023
The environmental assessment that has been put out by the BLM, where they’re talking about removing a large portion of the McCullough Peaks herd, is terrible. Sandy Sisti is with us today to discuss this topic. Sandy is very familiar with the wild horse families of that area and has not only photographed them, but knows them intimately.
Sandy Sisti of Wild at Heart Images has been a photographer for over twenty years and a lover of wildlife and nature since childhood. Currently, most of her time is devoted to observing and documenting the wild horses of the McCullough Peaks Herd Management Area, a group of horses she considers like family. After spending more than twelve years with the McCullough Peaks horses, she has developed a deep love and respect for all wild horses, and is determined to use her voice to help protect these noble creatures.
We need to tell the BLM that we think the herd needs to be left alone. Please support the “No Action Alternative” which means no removal of horses and continued use of PZP to manage the population by commenting publicly. We only have a 30-day window to publicly comment on this, and comments have to be in by August 12, 2023, at 4:30pm Mountain Time. You will find links for specific talking points in Sandy’s blog below. You can also visit my recent blog for more information.

Subscribe to my blog to get more information on how you can help America’s wild horses.
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- What is in the BLM’s environmental assessment.
- Why we question their assessment and plans.
- The conundrum of the BLM’s insistence that management of the herd is a gold standard, yet they plan to eradicate an aging population.
- How there is no livestock damage study done for the range.
- How there is little to no data to back up their assessment, which is required by NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act).
- How we can help protect these horses.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Follow along on Facebook and Instagram!
- Living Images by Carol Walker
- Wild Hoofbeats Blog
- Wild Hoofbeats: America’s Vanishing Wild Horses by Carol Walker
- Sandy Sisti: Website | Wild at Heart Images | Blog with Talking Points | Facebook | Instagram
- Map of McCullough Peaks HMA
- My Blog Action Alert
- McCullough Peaks Talking Points
- The BLM’s McCullough Peaks HMA Bait Trap Gather Environmental Assessment
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Please please leave these beautiful horses to live out their lives on their beloved land and the only home they know! They deserve to be with their families just as much as humans deserve to be with their family! Let them run wild! Americans lOVE these horses! Our history! Let them remain! I pray pray for their freedom!
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
How would you feel if someone came into your home and took you’re children. Put them in bobwire fencing feed them very little and made them live in hot dust. This is what you are doing. Very disharding. Babies not knowing were there mother’s are. Stallion’s breaking there legs. They only want one thing to raise there families. Just like you.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Rather than go into detail as to why these horses should be allowed to stay, I’m just going to plead with the BLM to stop these horrific roundups and let these horses live in peace. There are 60,000 horses in holding pens wasting away with no where to go. They have lived wild for over a century. They are self sustaining. There are people that watch and record these horses and most wild herds, and the only untimely deaths occurred when the helicopters show up. Please, please cancel this roundup and actually see how many horses there are next year at this time. The re-evaluate. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
This sounds like an agenda to eradicate the wild horse population entirely. This is happening in Canada as well. It sounds like the ranchers are influencing the decisions being made. What’s next if the ranchers herds dwindle due to prey killing their herds? The wild horses have a right to these lands and nature keeps their numbers in check, we need to keep these beautiful animals free. Specifics should be required and actual data and accountability an absolute must!! The public needs to know and to be educated.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
I submitted my comment to the link you provided. I pray all others do as well. The BLM needs to hear your voice.
Thank you!
I’m so tired of this kind process. They take more every year. Need new management that knows what an how to manage the wild horses. Because the one that are in charge don’t know anything. Except getting rid of them, not respecting them. they are amazing animals.
The cruelty that is inflicted on these wild sentient beings is beyond horrific and completely unnecessary. Can we please find another way to live our lives with out having to destroy the lives of others!
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
It seems clear to me that there are some powerful political players forcing the destruction of the McCullough Peak horses. Do we truly not know what or who these players are? I feel the talking points here are too kind to the BLM or the powers that be! Please look deeper to reveal what is really going on beneath the surface here. The BLM is using euphemisms and random numbers because they are working to cover what is really going on. I am commenting on the BLM site but feel somehow we are missing the true audience with our protests. All my best!
Hi Marsha,
The talking points are merely a guide to address the specific parts of the proposed plan. It is not a matter of being kind to the BLM. Getting emotional and calling names will not accomplish anything. Of course it is pressure from the livestock permittees that is causing this. You are welcome to write whatever you think best.
There is so much open land out there, so why not let the horses be free to do what they do. Heart breaking to watch
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
Please do not remove the wild horses. They have rights also, plus they are God’s creatures and they are where they need to be. They have a type of life you cannot duplicate so DO NOT MOVE THEM OR PUT THEM IN CORRALS TO LIVE‼️
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted:
We are failing these horses miserably, and have been for some time – which is horrific considering they’re supposed to be PROTECTED. The piss poor management by BLM is going to wipe them off the landscape just so ranchers can line their pockets. Shame on them, shame on all of us for not doing more. As stated by congress in 1971 wild horses (and burros) are “an integral part of the natural system of the public lands”. Keep your tiny hands off our public lands and the horses we hold dear!
Please please please leave the beautiful creatures, gifted to us by God free. Humanity fails our wild life miserably all to frequently. We dispose of things like trash. Who humans treat animals is the true reflection of they character. Take government out of the picture and do the right thing.
Please submit your comments here on the BLM site so that they may be counted: